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Fernlea Community Care - Supporting and Donating

Giving and Donating

To continue helping our community Fernlea Community Care relies on donations to help us continue

the important work that we do. Your donation helps us to continue our programs including our support and care services.














All donations are much appreciated and will be put to good use. Your donation may help:


  • subsidise our services to support people under 65

      we care for, but are not funded for.

  • transport guests to and from day respite.

  • purchase personal care products for our guests.

  • provide a birthday cake or present for a guest.

  • supply crafts and games for client activities.

  • subsidise excursions and incursions for our guests

  • cover costs for a guest for a day.

  • cover maintenance and equipment costs.




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Donate in other ways



Donate through Ritchies supermarket


Do you shop at Ritchies supermarket?


If you nominate Fernlea as the community group you support through your Ritchies card, Fernlea will receive

0.5% of the amount you spend at Ritchies every month.


It’s very easy to sign up. Find out how on the Ritchies website. Once you have signed up, click on Community in the menu and select Fernlea House to nominate Fernlea as the community group you would like to support.






Donate your goods to Fernlea’s Op Shop


Give any items you no longer need a second life by donating them to our Shop of Opportunities.






Purchase items at our Op Shop or buy our book


Anything you purchase at our Shop of Opportunities and all proceeds from the sale of our book

In the end: A practical guide to dying go directly towards helping us continue the work we do.






Donate your time


We are always looking for volunteers to help us run our programs and services. This is

a wonderful way to be involved in your local community and support Fernlea at the

same time. We have many volunteer roles. We would love to hear from you.

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