Give in memory
Giving memorial gifts in tribute of a family member or friend who has passed away is a very special
way of honouring their memory. There are a number of ways you can do this and support Fernlea’s
work. These include:

Request donations instead of flowers
If you would like people to make a donation to Fernlea instead of sending flowers, we suggest
you make an announcement in the death notice. For example, ‘Donations in lieu of flowers to
Fernlea Community Care would be appreciated.’
For more information on how we can support you to give in memory
Direct donations in memory
To make an online donation in memory of a loved one,
Organise a collection at a memorial or funeral
If you would like to collect donations in memory of a loved one at a memorial or funeral service, we can provide special donation envelopes for the service. Please call our office on 03 5968 6639 and we will help organise this for you.
After donations have been received at Fernlea, tax-deductable receipts for donations $2 and over will be sent out to those donors who have requested it and a nominated family member will receive a card acknowledging the total amount donated in memory of their loved one*.
*for privacy reasons we do not disclose individual donations amounts.